Heritage Expo at Seville Heritage Park

Heritage Expo at Seville Heritage Park The Jamaica National Heritage Trust invites members of the public to its Heritage Expo at Seville Heritage Park, St. Ann on Thursday, December 13, 2007 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The expo will be celebrated under the theme Celebrating Our Heritage ...The Freedom Journey. It is an annual event held [...]

December 6th, 2007|

Heritage lecture on Haiti at NCU

The Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) in association with the Jamaica National Bicentenary Committee (JNBC) will host the fourth in a series of heritage lectures at the Northern Caribbean University, Manchester Road campus on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 10:00 am. Guest speaker will be Dr. Clinton Hutton, lecturer in political philosophy and African diasporic [...]

November 23rd, 2007|

IACA 2007 :: Update Bulletin #3

May 17, 2007 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS Welcome to this the third in the series of information bulletins on the IACA 2007 conference to be held in Kingston, Jamaica from July 23-29, 2007. The planning for the conference is in full gear and we look forward to a very fulfilling and rewarding time [...]

October 31st, 2007|

IACA 2007 :: Update Bulletin #2

May 17, 2007 Dear Colleagues, It is hard to believe that the New Year is already one month gone and that IACA 2007 is just - as they say - around the corner. Let me begin by wishing each and everyone a pleasant, successful and blessed 2007 and I am hoping that it is already [...]

October 31st, 2007|

IACA 2007 :: Bulletin #1

September 12, 2006 Welcome to this the first in a series of bulletins on the IACA 2007 conference to be held in Kingston, Jamaica from July 23-27, 2007. This is but one of several methods that the planning committee will use to keep you informed of the happenings as they relate to the conference. Please [...]

October 31st, 2007|

IACA 2007 :: Messages

Hon. Aloun Ndombet Assamba Minister of Tourism, Entertainment & Culture Conventional wisdom allows that man has but one moment in time. It is therefore comforting that the trade of archaeology flies in the face of convention to bridge gaps in time, allowing us the best of both past and present, withe even eyes on future [...]

October 31st, 2007|


The I.A.C.A. is a group of professional and amateur archaeologists and interested individuals from the Caribbean and overseas who work, or have an interest, in the archaeology of the Caribbean. Our area includes not only the Greater and Lesser Antilles but countries bordering the Caribbean, whose prehistoric and historic cultures often interrelate with those of [...]

October 31st, 2007|

Design chosen for monument to Hugh Shearer

By June next year there should be a monument in the National Heroes Park in honour of the late Prime Minister the Most Hon. Hugh Lawson Shearer. The Jamaica National Heritage Trust has announced that a design for the monument has been chosen following the meeting of a special committee that was established to examine [...]

October 31st, 2007|


Membership is open to all interested parties. Dues are US$20 per annum payable to the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology. A cheque or money order in any major currency should be sent to: Gerard Richard, Chef du Service Archéologique du Conseil Regional, Impasse Majoute, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe 97100, F.W.I. Email: g.richard@cr-guadeloupe.fr OR gerardrichard20032003@yahoo.fr

October 21st, 2007|