Negril Point Lighthouse
Parish: Westmoreland

This Lighthouse is situated at south Negril Point which is at the extreme western end of the Island. The concrete Tower which is painted white, stands 66 feet above ground level and the light is elevated 100 feet above sea level. The Lighthouse has an automatic white light which flashes every two seconds.
The Negril Lighthouse was built in 1894 by the French Company Bubbler & Bernard, on a tank 14 feet deep, which is kept filled with water. This is to keep the Tower balanced and secured in the event of an earthquake. The Tower which is built inland, is cylindrical and has an elaborate light enclosed in a metal and glass protector on top of which is a wind-wane.
Initially, the Lighthouse was operated by a gas lamp, but in 1956 it was replaced by an acetylene gas lamp. This was used until 1985 when it was replaced by solar energy.
The Lighthouse is located at latitude 18º 15' north and longitude 78º 23' west.
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