Titchfield Peninsula

DeMontevin Lodge
Parish: Portland
All those parcels of land and structures situated in the area known as the Titchfield Peninsula falling within the following boundaries:- The eastern boundary which is bounded by the Foreshore Road continuing in a southerly direction to the property registered at Volume 395 Folio 41 and across Fort George Street to the southern boundary which is bounded by properties registered respectively at Volume 82 Folio 63 and Volume 1267 Folio 921 and across Hanover Road by the property registered at Volume 481 Folio 55, then northerly to the western boundary which is bounded along the western coast by property registered at Volume 75 Folio 14, property at Queen Street owned by the Methodist Church, and properties registered at Volume 182 Folio 47, Volume 403 Folio 70 and Volume 649 Folio 39 respectively, then continuing to the northern boundary which is bounded by all that parcel of land of approximately four acres on which Fort George, the Military Barracks and the Titchfield High School compound are situated, and then back to the eastern boundary at Foreshore Road.
Port Antonio the capital of the Parish of Portland, is located on the north east coast of Jamaica, at the foot of the majestic Blue Mountain Range.
The area is noted for having the highest rainfall in Jamaica (up to 150 inches per year) and so, the parish is known for its lush vegetation which is part of its appeal.
One of the most unique features of Port Antonio is its double harbour. The Titchfield Peninsula separates the East Harbour from the West Harbour and together with Navy Island. The Peninsula protects the deeper west harbour from the prevailing easterly winds.
Port Antonio has its unique charm. It was this charm that captivated American Captain, Lorenzo Dow Baker, in 1870 when he sailed into the harbour and decided to start the banana trade and ultimately promote Port Antonio as a tourist destination. The same charm cast its spell on famous movie star, Errol Flynn, in the 1940's. Flynn exclaimed that "Port Antonio was more beautiful than any woman I had ever seen".
As we turn through the pages of history, from the early Spanish settlement to the British settlement when Port Antonio was considered an unhealthy spot and there were few takers of the free land offers, aimed at enticing settlers, tales of Port Antonio unravel an intriguing history. The banana boom, the growth of tourism, the Hollywood connection and its grand schemes and failures, everyone has a tale to tell. There are tales of girls bathing in champagne at the height of the banana boom to men lighting their cigars with £1 notes all adding to the town's mystique
The Titchfield Peninsula was the first place to be settled by the English, and is known as the oldest settlement of the town. It separates the East Harbour from the West Harbour. In the early stages the Peninsula was separated from the town centre at high tide until the area was later filled.
The buildings in the Titchfield Peninsula possess excellent examples of the architectural styles representing different periods in the formation and development of the town. They reflect Jamaican Georgian, Victorian New England, Cape Cod Victorian, Jamaican Vernacular and Victorian styles gingerbread. The predominant style is vernacular Architecture
The Titchfield Peninsula was designated protected National Heritage on the 16th April 1998.
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